Marc Keith

Marc Keith

CF Level 2 Trainer

Learn More About Me



* Crossfit Level 1

About Coach

Always a book nerd growing up, Marc never expected to become an athlete of any kind. The demands of graduate school, teaching, and a part-time job were getting to him though, so Marc decided to try exercising as a healthy way to deal with his stress.

Turning Point

He met Coach Jody and started 1 on 1 personal training with him. The rest is history! That was five years ago, and although he’s (almost) done with graduate school, Crossfit is now a permanent fixture in his life. Marc is one of our finest coaches and loves the people he coaches. His specialties are the Olympic lifts and plan to get his USAW Level 1 certification in the near future.

Motivation & Passion

When he’s not coaching or working out, Marc enjoys listening to Bob Dylan with his three dogs and two birds.

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